ISBN (13)9781405824217 
Classification321.0942 BUD 
Title EntryThe new British politics 
AuthorsBudge, Ian;  McKay, David;  Newton, Ken;  Bartle, John 
Place of PublicationHarlow, England : 
Publisher's NamePearson Longman, 
Date of Publication2007 
Extentxxvii, 984p. 
Other Detailsabbreviations, figures, further reading, glossary, indexed, plates, tables, websites 
Item DescriptorA comprehensive and successful introduction in a clear, lively and authoritative text that provides readers with incisive and original analysis tailored to the needs of students and teachers of British politics from A-level to second year university 
Formatted Content NoteChapters include - British politics in context: international, social and historical settings; The first industrial country: ideas and institutions, 1688-1931; From government intervention back to free markets and a 'Third Way': ideas and institutions, 1931-2006; A British constitution?; The Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the core executive; Ministries, ministers and mandarins: central government in Britain; The changing state: administrative reforms; Britain in Europe; Europe in Britain; Disuniting the Kingdom: Ireland; Devolution: Scotland, Wales and the English regions; Local democracy?; Pressure groups; The mass media and pluralist democracy; Elections and voting; Political parties and party factions; Party ideologies; Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons; The courts and the judiciary; The police and policing; Security and secrecy; Foreign and defence policy; Environmental policy; Economic policy; Social policy; Citizenship and equal opportunities; and Problems, policies, processes and democracy, 1997-2006 
Level Content-AudienceA-level; Undergraduate 
Subject Entry Politics
British politics
European politics
Item Record Status Return Accession No. Note
1. MainNormalAvailableA0000001
2. MainText BookAvailableA0024152
3. MainText BookAvailableA0024153
4. MainText BookAvailableA0024154
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10. MainText BookAvailableA0024160