ISBN (13)9781107422094 
Classification428.24076 RED 
Title EntryFace2face pre-intermediate: 
Subtitleclass audio CDs (3) 
Class Scheme & Edition DDC 23 
AuthorsRedston, Chris;  Cunningham, Gillie 
Place of PublicationCambridge, England : 
Publisher's NameCambridge University Press, 
Date of Publication2012 
Extent3 CD 
Other Detailscontents on inside cover 
Series Responsibility - PersonalRedston, Chris 
Series Statement Titleface2face 
Item DescriptorCombining the best in current methodology with innovative design to make learning and teaching easier these CDs include the complete recordings for the listening activites in the Student's book and audio for the listening test 
Formatted Content NoteCD1 1.1 - 1.52 (71'28") CD2 2.1 - 2.55 (75'27") CD3 3.1 - 3.46 (64'12")  
Level Content-AudienceProfessional 
Subject Entry English language - Teacher's resource
English language - Study and teaching
English language - Listening
English language - Foreign speakers
English language - Problems and exercises 
Item Record Status Return Accession No. Note
1. MainReferenceAvailableA0047086Staff Loan only