ISBN (10)0813310334 
Classification306.3 GRA 
Title EntryThe sociology of economic life 
Class Scheme & Edition DDC 23 
AuthorsGranovetter, Mark (editor);  Swedberg, Richard (editor) 
Place of PublicationBoudler, USA : 
Publisher's NameWestview Press, 
Date of Publication1992 
Extentvi, 402p.  
Other Detailscharts, indexed, notes, references, tables  
Item DescriptorIncorporating classic and contemporary readings in economic sociology as well as offerings from related disciplines this provides the reader with a broad understanding of the dimensions of economic life 
Formatted Content NoteSections include – Introduction/ Richard Swedberg and Mark Granovetter; The economy as instituted process/ Karl Polanyi; Economic action and social structure – the problem of embeddedness/ Mark Granovetter; Weber’s last theory of capitalism – a systematization/ Randall Collins; Economic backwardness in historical perspective/ Alexander Gerschenkron; The emergence of managerial capitalism/ Alfred D Chandler; Goodwill and the spirit of market capitalism/ Ronald Dore; Market, culture, and authority – a comparative analysis of management and organization in the Far East/ Gary G Hamilton, and Nicole Woolsey Biggart; The bazaar economy – information and search in peasant marketing/ Clifford Geertz; The sociological and economic approaches to labor market analysis – a social structural view/ Mark Granovetter; Non-contractual relations in business – a preliminary study/ Stewart Macaulay; Human values and the market – the case of life insurance and death in 19th-century America/ Viviana A Zelizer; Group dynamics and intergroup relations/ George Strauss; Men who manage/ Melville Dalton; Bureaucratic and craft administration of production – a comparative study/ Arthur L Stinchcombe; and Processing fads and fashions – an organization-set analysis of cultural industry systems/ Paul M Hirsch 
Level Content-AudienceUndergraduate 
Subject Entry Economic sociology
Economics - Sociological aspects
Economic - History
Industrial sociology
Item Record Status Return Accession No. Note
1. MainNormalAvailableA0045756