ISBN (10)0194570908 
ISBN (13)9780194570909 
Classification658.456 CM 
Title EntryEffective meetings 
Class Scheme & Edition DDC 23 
AuthorComfort, Jeremy 
Corporate EntryYork Associates 
Place of PublicationOxford, England : 
Publisher's NameOxford University Press, 
Date of Publication1997 
Other Detailsactivities with answers, colour illustrations, listening and video transcripts  
Item DescriptorEach course Taking a common business function such as giving a presentation or participating in a meeting, and taking learners, professional people who need to improve their language and communication skills through a stage-by-stage analysis of the skills and language they need to perform these functions effectively in English 
Formatted Content NoteSections include - Introduction; Who's who in effective meetings; Why are we here?; Where do we start?; Where are we going?; Your views count; Keeping to the point; What's the idea?; Making decisions; and What's next?  
Subject Entry Business meetings - English language usage
English language - Business English
English language - Text for foreign speakers 
Item Record Status Return Accession No. Note
1. MainNormalAvailableA0041956No Audio Visual accompanying this