ISBN (10)0853155321 
Classification335.43092 SPR 
Title EntryAntoniio Gramsci and the party: 
Subtitlethe prison years 
Class Scheme & Edition DDC 23 
AuthorsSpriano, Paolo;  Fraser, John (translator) 
Place of PublicationLondon, England : 
Publisher's NameLawrence & Wishart,  
Date of Publication1979 
Other Details14 appendices, footnotes, indexed, notes  
Item DescriptorAn account of Gramsci's last years which explains why and how he was able to return to his intellectual power, and his will to work, even in the grim and demoralising circumstances which eventuially bought about his death 
Formatted Content NoteSections include - Preface: November 1926 - the arrest; Grieco's 'strange' letter; Contacts with the centre; Disagreement about the 'turn'; The applications for release; Gramsci's last years; and The impact of his death  
Level Content-Audience Undergraduate 
Subject Entry Gramsci, Antonio - Biography
Communism - Biography
Partito Communist Italian - Italian Communist Party
Italians - Biography 
Item Record Status Return Accession No. Note
1. MainNormalAvailableA0050909