ISBN (10)0486433951 
ISBN (13)9780486433950 
Classification623.4097309034 COG 
Title EntryArms and equipment of the civil war 
Class Scheme & Edition DDC 23 
AuthorCoggins, Jack 
Place of PublicationMineola, USA : 
Publisher's NameDover Publications Incorporated, 
Date of Publication2004 
Other Detailsbibliography, 550+ illustrations, indexed  
Item DescriptorEnhanced with marvellous illustrations, the text describes what materiel was available to the armies and navies of both sides ― from iron-clad gunboats, submarine torpedoes, and military balloons to pontoon bridges, percussion grenades, and siege artillery ― with on-the-scene comments by Union and Confederate soldiers about equipment and camp life 
Formatted Content NoteSections include - The army; The infantry; Infantry weapons; Cartridges; The sharps; The spencer; The henry; The colt; The sniper rifle; Pistols and revolvers; Machine guns; The Cavalry; Breech loading carbines; The artillery; Field artillery' Ammunition for smoothbore artillery; Mountain artillery; Rifled artillery; Fuses; Breechloaders; Siege and garrison artillery; Mortars; Freak guns; The engineers; Forts and fortifications; Pontoon bridges; The Signal Corps; Military telegraph; Military balloons; Railroads; The medical departments; The quartermaster corps; Subsistence departments; The sutlers; The navies; Naval ordnance; Mines, torpedoes, and torpedo boats; and The blockade  
Level Content-Audience Undergraduate 
Subject Entry Military supplies - History
United States of America - History
American Civil War - Equipment and supplies
American Civil War - Weapons
American Civil War - Armour 
Item Record Status Return Accession No. Note
1. American CornerNormalAvailableA0051720