ISBN (13)9780415996259 
Classification507.12 NUT 
Title EntryTeaching science to English language learners 
Class Scheme & Edition DDC23 
AuthorsNutta, Joyce W;  Bautista, Nazan U;  Butler, Malcolm B 
Place of PublicationNew York, USA: 
Publisher's NameRoutledge 
Date of Publication2011 
Extentxvi, 194p. 
Other Detailsfigures, glossary, indexed, notes, references, tables, websites  
Series Responsibility - PersonalErben, Tony (editor) 
Series Statement TitleTeaching English Language Learners Across the Curriculum  
Item DescriptorThis provides simple and straightforward advice on how to teach English Language Learners through a given subject area, and how to teach content to ELLs who are at different levels of English language proficiency than the rest of their class.  
Formatted Content NoteSections include - Your English language learner/ Tony Erben - Orientation; The process of English language learning and what to expect; Deciding on the best ESOL program; Teaching for English language development; Not all ELLs are the same; Culturally responsive pedagogy; Not all parents are the same - home-school communication; English language learners with special needs; What we know from research - Principles of language teaching and learning; Science-focused ESOL research; Supporting communication content instruction for ELLs; Stages of second language acquisition; Adapting direct instruction, inquiry-based learning, and assessment; Supporting ELLs' academic language development in science; Teaching science - Teaching science to ELLs at secondary grade levels; Pre-K-12 English language proficiency standards for science; Culturally and linguistically congruent instruction and assessment; Science and culturally relevant teaching; Classroom-based science assessment at the secondary level; Life science; Physical science; Earth and space science; Science as inquiry; History and nature of science; Personal and social perspectives in science; Science and technology; Unifying concepts and processes; Resources - Internet resources for teachers; Literature for teachers; Materials for teachers; and Resources for students 
Level Content-AudienceGeneral 
Subject Entry Science - Study and teaching
English language - Study and teaching
English language - Text for foreign speakers
English for science
Science - Activity programmes 
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