ISBN (13)9780141399713 
Classification932 ROM 
Title EntryA history of ancient Egypt: 
Subtitlefrom the first farmers to the great pyramid 
Class Scheme & Edition DDC 23 
AuthorRomer, John 
Place of PublicationLondon, England : 
Publisher's NamePenguin Books, 
Date of Publication2013 
Extentxxviii, 484p.  
Other Detailsbibliography, chronology, 71 figures and maps, indexed, 30 colour plates  
Item DescriptorHow, over a thousand years, did a culture of semi-itinerant farmers create the rich, vivid, world of ancient Egypt, culminating in the great Pyramid? Drawing on a lifetime of research this tells one of the greatest human stories, resulting inn an engrossing detective story, as we discover what is really known about the Nile civilisation - and where the record remains silent 
Formatted Content NoteSections include - Beside the pale lake; Sickle sheen; Merimda and el-Omari; The Badarians; Black-topped, white-lined; A cloud across the moon; Boats and donkeys; Rolling along; Scorpion and hawk; The coming of the king; Narmer's palette; The hawk upon the wall; Taking wing; Taking stock; The shadow of birds; The Serekh tomb; A line of kings; The lost dynasty; The wheeling hawk; The realms of pharaoh; Two gentlemen of Saqqara; Djoser's kingdom; Heb Sediana; Deus Absconditus; In consequence; A diadem of pyramids; Court and country; High society; A building passion; Making the Gods; and The perfect pyramid  
Level Content-Audience Undergraduate 
Subject Entry Egypt - History
Egypt - Ancient history
Ancient history - Egypt 
Item Record Status Return Accession No. Note
1. MainNormalAvailableA0052605