ISBN (10)0812967852 
ISBN (13)9780812967852 
Classification297.72 LEW 
Title EntryThe crisis of Islam: 
Subtitleholy war and unholy terror 
Class Scheme & Edition DDC 23 
AuthorLewis, Bernard 
Place of PublicationNew York, USA: 
Publisher's NameRandom House Trade Paperbacks, 
Date of Publication2004 
Extentxxxiv, 190p. 
Other Detailsindexed, 4 maps, notes  
Item DescriptorIt ranges widely through thirteen centuries of history, but in particular it charts the key events of the twentieth century leading up to the violent confrontations of today: the creation of the state of Israel, the Cold War, the Iranian Revolution, the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan, the Gulf War and the September 11th attacks on the United States. Essential reading for anyone who wants to know what Usama bin Ladin represents and why his murderous message resonates so widely in the Islamic world  
Formatted Content NoteSections include - Introduction; Defining Islam; The house of war; From crusaders to imperialists; Discovering America; Satan and the Soviets; Double standards; A failure of modernity; The marriage of Saudi power and Wahhabi teaching; The rise of terrorism; and Afterword 
Level Content-Audience Undergraduate 
Subject Entry Islam and politics
Terrorism - Religious aspects
Islamic fundamentalism
Terrorism - Islam
War - Religious aspects
War - Islam
Item Record Status Return Accession No. Note
1. MainNormalAvailableA0052898